Conditions of participation in the scientific conference Methodology of Statistical Research MET2023
(Warsaw, 3-5 July 2023)


  1. The organizers of the scientific conference Methodology of Statistical Research (Warsaw, 3-5 July 2023), hereinafter referred to as the "Conference", are the President of Statistics Poland and the Polish Statistical Association, hereinafter referred to as the "Organizers".
  2. The Conference will be held July 3-5, 2023 in Warsaw, Poland.
  3. The language of the Conference is Polish, but it is possible to speak in English during sessions conducted in this language.
  4. The subject-matter aspect of the Conference is supervised by the Scientific Committee appointed by the Organizers.
  5. The provisions of the Regulations are an integral part of registration for the Conference, and sending the application form to the Organizers is synonymous with accepting these Regulations.
  6. All dates contained in the Regulations are obligatory and non-exceedable, unless the Organizers decide otherwise, of which they will notify the Participants.
  7. The Organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program and these Regulations, and to change the date of the Conference or to cancel it.
  8. If the Conference is cancelled, the Organizers undertake to notify the registered Participants by e-mail, no later than 5 days before the scheduled start date of the Conference.
  9. The Organizers may record video and sound from the Conference for documentation, reporting and promotional purposes of the Conference and the Organizers.
  10. Conference website address:
  11. Whenever the Regulations refer to:
    1) abstract – a short, condensed form of a paper delivered at the Conference, including keywords, basic information about the thesis, methodology of the conducted research, the most important results and conclusions;
    2) Passive participant – a person who has registered in the application made available on the Conference website and participates in it without delivering a paper or a person who is a co-author of the paper, but does not present its content during the Conference;
    3) Active participant – a person who has registered participation and abstract in the application made available on the Conference website and will be invited by the Organizers to present a paper.



  1. Registration of abstracts as well as active and passive participation is made in applications available on the Conference website:
  2. The deadline for online registration for active and passive participation in the Conference is June 18, 2023. After this date, online registration will not be available unless the Organizers extend the registration deadline. Information about the extension of the participation registration deadline will be posted on the Conference website. The Organizers reserve the right to close the registration before the deadline in case the number of registered Participants reaches the limit.
  3. The abstract submission deadline is June 12, 2023. After this date, online registration will not be available unless the Organizers extend the abstract registration deadline. Information about the extension of the abstract registration deadline will be posted on the Conference website.
  4. Each Participant (active and passive) before registration creates an account, which requires the following personal information: name and surname, e-mail address, to which an account activation link will be sent.
  5. After creating an account, each Participant (active and passive) registers in the provided applications by filling out an application form by providing the following personal information: name and surname, e-mail address, name and address of the institution he/she represents, optional phone number and information about reporting a special need in connection with a disability. After submitting the form, the Participant receives a confirmation of registration at the e-mail address provided in the registration form. If the registration confirmation is not received within 10 working days from the moment of registration, the Participant should contact the Organizers by sending a message to the following e-mail address:
  6. An active Participant submits an abstract using the provided application, providing the following personal information in the registration form: author's name or co-authors' names, institution name(s) (affiliation), e-mail address or co-authors' e-mail addresses.
  7. Participants undertake to complete the registration forms correctly and in accordance with the actual state of affairs.
  8. The Organizers are not responsible for damages resulting from incorrect data entered into the forms by persons registering their participation in the Conference.
  9. The Organizers stipulate that despite confirmation of registration, the Passive Participant may receive information via e-mail about the cancellation of registration in connection with the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and prohibitions due to force majeure and due to other events excluding the possibility of organizing the Conference.
  10. In the case of cancellation of the registration referred to in article 9, due to limitations in the number of persons able to participate in the Conference, the order of applications will be applied. The Organizers will send the cancellation information to the Participant's e-mail address no later than 5 days before the planned Conference start date.
  11. The Organizers reserve the right to create a reserve list.


  1. The Scientific Committee of the Conference evaluates the formal and subject-matter correctness of submitted abstracts and decides on their acceptance.
  2. Scientific Committee of the Conference has the right to reject an abstract and a Participant's application if it does not meet formal or subject-matter requirements.
  3. If too many abstracts are submitted for each session, the Scientific Committee of the Conference will select from among the submitted abstracts and reject the others
  4. The decisions of the Scientific Committee of the Conference are final.


  1. The abstract must be submitted using the electronic form and may be provided additionally as an attachment file to the electronic form.
  2. The abstract registration app contains a template for abstract preparation as an MS Word file available for download.
  3. The Abstracts must be prepared in accordance with the editorial requirements in Polish and English, or in English only if this is the language of presentation. The abstract should include:
    1) information about the author(s) including academic title and affiliation; in the case of papers written by multiple authors, a contact author must be indicated;
    2) a paper title that properly reflects the content of the paper;
    3) the objective;
    4) the methodology;
    5) the results;
    6) the conclusions;
    7) keyword information, which should include up to 5 keywords.
  4. The abstract should be prepared using Arial font size 10 pt.
  5. The number of characters in each language version for the subject-matter content of the abstract, i.e. the sum of the elements: objective, methodology, results and conclusions, must not exceed 2000 characters (including spaces).
  6. The active Participant may co-author multiple abstracts, but must personally present at least one of the submitted presentations.
  7. The active Participant assumes full responsibility for the content contained in each submitted abstract.
  8. The Scientific Committee of the Conference may request the Participant to supplement or make changes to the abstract. The deadline for submitting the abstract will be specified by the Organizers in the information sent to the Participant's e-mail address.
  9. The Participant will be informed of the decision of the Scientific Committee of the Conference, in relation to each submitted abstract, no later than 14 days after the end of the application period.


  1. The venue for the sessions will be determined by the Organizers and will be announced to the Participants on the Conference website.
  2. Oral presentation time per paper is at the discretion of the session moderator.
  3. Session discussions are held at the discretion of the session moderator.
  4. The active Participants are required to submit their presentations electronically to the Organizers in the format specified by the Organizers by June 30, 2023 at
  5. In exceptional cases, active Participants will be allowed to copy their presentations (in the format specified by the Organizers) to a computer in the session room no later than 15 minutes before the start of the session.
  6. The Organizers do not guarantee the display of the presentation prepared by the active Participant if the active Participant fails to deliver his/her presentation in the manner specified in items 4 or 5.
  7. The active Participant assumes full responsibility for all materials and statements made by him/her during the Conference.
  8. The active Participant is obliged to present his/her submitted paper during the session. Deviation from this rule is possible only in exceptional situations after prior consultation with the Organizers and session moderator.
  9. The Organizers allow for the presentation of the paper by two co-authors (active Participants).


  1. Sending an application for participation in the Conference is synonymous with acknowledging that the use of the Conference Participant's image, in accordance with Article 81 par. 2 of the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2509), does not require permission.
  2. The active Participant agrees to their image being recorded in the photographs, films or voice recordings of the Conference to be disseminated by the Organizers free of charge for the purpose of documenting the course of the Conference, including its use in promotional materials and publications in the media of the Conference, as well as other promotional materials of Statistics Poland, without any territorial and time limitations, by means of reproduction, public displaying, streaming and sharing in such a way that everybody can access it in a place and time chosen by themselves, including the Internet.
  3. The active Participant gives his/her consent for the Organizers to process his/her personal data, that is to record and publish, free of charge, his/her image and statements recorded during the Conference, including marking statements with his/her name and surname, as well as placing recorded statements on the Organizers' websites and social networking sites for promotional, educational and science popularization purposes.
  4. In his/her statement, the active Participant of the Conference shall grant the Organizers a non-exclusive and royalty-free license to use his/her image and voice as well as the content of the presented paper recorded during the Conference, including marking his/her statements with his/her name and surname, in the following fields of exploitation:
    1) in terms of recording and reproduction – production, recording by any technique, including in particular: magnetic recording technique, light sensitive, audiovisual, digital, optical, computer regardless of the format and medium, size, form and technique;
    2) as regards dissemination – public display, streaming, as well as sharing in such a way that everyone can have access to it at a place and time of their own choice, including the Internet and other teleinformatic, multimedia and computer networks, in particular the Organizers' websites.
  5. In connection with the granting of the license – the active Participant assures that the use of his/her image and voice and the content of the presented paper in the scope presented above will not violate anyone's rights, in particular intellectual property rights, and does not require any permission from a third party. The Organizers inform that the image of the active Participant will not be distributed with information or comments putting the Participant in a negative light.
  6. The active Participant waives all claims (existing and future), including those for remuneration against the Organizers, due to the use of his/her image/voice/speech for the purposes specified in the Regulations.
  7. A template of the statement of consent for the use of image and voice and the content of the presented paper of the active Participant will be sent to the Participant's e-mail address together with information on acceptance of the subject and abstract of the prepared paper. The statement can be sent back to, if the Participant has a qualified electronic signature, or submitted to the session moderator during the Conference.


In connection with the implementation of the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)[1] , hereinafter referred to as "RODO", the Organizers inform about the principles and the Participants' rights related to the processing of personal data, described in detail in the document "Information on processing of personal data for the Participants of the scientific conference Methodology of Statistical Research MET2023 (Warsaw, 3-5 July 2023)" published on the Conference website and made available in the registration forms.


  1. The participation in the Conference is free of charge.
  2. The Organizers do not provide and do not cover costs of accommodation and travel of the Participants.


The cancellation of participation in the Conference by the Participant may be made only by sending an appropriate notice to the e-mail address:, no later than 15 June 2023.


  1. The Organizers determine the program of the Conference and have the right to make changes in it, also on the day of the Conference, including the right to change the time schedule and order of speeches.
  2. Organizers are not responsible for technical or organizational problems of Participants related to participation in the Conference resulting from causes beyond the control of Organizers.
  3. The Participant bears full responsibility for all materials and information presented by him during the Conference. The Participant is obliged to ensure that all statements and presentations made by him/her during the Conference do not violate the law or the rights or personal interests of third parties.
  4. The Participant undertakes to comply with these Regulations, Safety Procedures, social rules, instructions and organizational and technical instructions of the Organizers.
  5. The Participant is obliged to mark his/her participation in the Conference by giving his/her full name. The Participant is obliged to provide true, identifying personal data.
  6. The Participant is fully responsible for damage to property on the premises where the Conference is held.
  7. The Regulations shall become effective on the day of its signing.

[1] Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal of the EU L 119 of 04.05.2016, p. 1, as amended).

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